As a member of the Loyalty360 Brand Panel Community, you enjoy access to exclusive content, resources and industry news, as well as members-only discussions and invitations to join committees and attend events. You are encouraged to share content with your colleagues and professional network. As a member of the Brand Panel Community, you agree to always be honest and share your authentic opinion. You may also have the opportunity to experience sample products or services from our sponsors and to provide reviews/feedback. Please take a moment to read and understand the below explanation of disclosure and what it means for you. Disclosure simply means making it known that you have received a free product or brand experience as a Loyalty360 Brand Panel member. How do I disclose? As an industry leader and influencer, your feedback matters, and people will listen to you. If you have the opportunity to share your feedback regarding a product or service you've received from us, you must clearly communicate that you were given the free product in exchange for your honest review. For instance, you can include the following phrase in your review: "I had the opportunity to trial [product name] for free from the Loyalty360 Brand Panel Community." Or you can simply add the hashtag(#) #samp (Sample) or #freesamp to the end of your post. This is especially helpful on sites such as Twitter. When you share to LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter using the sharing tools located on your Mission page, such a phrase will be included automatically. When sharing in other settings, such as the Brand Panel Forum or your personal blog, you can use a statement for the disclosure and/or the hashtags. Disclosure is an important part of being a Loyalty360 Brand Panel Community member and ensures you are in alignment with the guidelines set by the Federal Trade Commission. We appreciate your advocacy and support of the Brand Panel and will never tell you what to say about a product or service.